>> hidden_dubai
hidden dubai
updated 11.5.08
yasser elsheshtawy  [email protected]
Approaching Rashid Colony. A housing project slated for demolition
The project still houses a substantial number of residents. On its edges are numerous commercial stores such as this bakery.
As one ventures further into the district the housing blocks acquire a mencing quality.
Newer developments around Rashid Colony appear life less.
The Satwa district with the Sheikh Zayed Street skyline appearing in the distance.
The panorama-city is a theoretical (that is, visual) simulacrum, in short a picture, whose condition of possibility is an oblivion and a misunderstanding of practices. The voyeur-god created by this fiction, who, like Schreber ’s God, knows only cadavers, must disentangle himself from the murky intertwining daily behaviors and make himself alien to them. The ordinary practitioners of the city live down below, below the threshold at which visibility begins.

They walk an elementary form of this experience of the city; they are walkers, Wandermaenner, whose bodies follow the thicks and thins of an urban text they write without being able to read it

The networks of these moving, intersecting writings compose a manifold story that has neither author nor spectator, shaped out of fragments of trajectories and alterations of spaces: in relation to representation, it remains daily and indefinitely other.

A migrational, or metaphorical, city thus slips into the clear text of the planned and readable city.

— Miched de Certeau (1984);
The Practice of Everyday Life
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